Thursday, January 06, 2011

Casey Anthony Team Denied Subpoena for Blogger's Photos

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Casey Anthony's defense attorneys suffered another blow today when they were denied a subpoena to collect what they suspect are a blogger's photos of the vacant, wooded area where her daughter's remains were found in 2008.

Judge Belvin Perry this afternoon denied a defense motion to subpoena searcher Joe Jordan's blog and internet photos, finding no factual basis to compel those items that may have appeared online.

Perry was not satisfied they would reveal meaningful "tangible" evidence and he expressed concerns that the defense was going on a "fishing expedition."

"I cannot give you a license to fish," Perry said soon before issuing his ruling today.
Perry did, however, deny the motion without prejudice, meaning the defense attorneys could revisit the issue if they can make a more compelling argument for the obtaining the information they seek.

Anthony, 24, is charged with first-degree murder in the 2008 death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie, whose body was found in a lot off Suburban Drive near the Anthony home months after she was reported missing.

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